In December of 2009, board members for Star Duck met with St. Joe’s administration to discuss our goals for the forthcoming year and beyond. Star Duck board members were taken on a tour of the facility and participated in talks of what St. Joe’s hopes to be in the next ten years. The consensus was that the greatest need and therefore the emphasis of our charity should be with activities that involve the residents. In January of this year, the board voted unanimously to not only continue its birthday program that has been a cornerstone since the charity’s inception but to develop additional off campus activities that involve all of the St. Joe’s residents. This means more fundraising and more donated time from volunteers. We hope that as Spring moves on and we plan more activities that you’ll join us by pledging your support. Cookouts, sporting events, movies are all being planned as part of an initiative to become even more involved with these great kids. Check back with the website from time to time to see what is being planned. As always, feel free to email us and ask how you can help.